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Warwick Dentistry Blog

How to Plan for Teeth Whitening Before a Special Event

July 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 8:58 pm
woman being prepped for teeth whitening procedure

Summer is a popular time for big events like weddings, high school reunions, and other festive bashes. To look your very best, you might try a crash diet or go out and buy a snazzy new outfit – but have you considered enhancing your smile? Teeth whitening is a wonderful way to quickly improve your overall appearance. Keep reading to learn more about how it works and to find out how close to an event you should whiten. 


Why Is Summertime the Right Time to Get Dental Implants?

June 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 10:52 pm

When you hear “summer,” your mind may drift to thoughts of delicious, mouthwatering foods. Corn on the cob, hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, you name it! Are your missing teeth making it difficult to enjoy your favorite seasonal treats at the summer cookout? You might be considering getting dental implants in Pittsburgh. If you’ve been hesitant to commit, now’s the time to make a move. Here are a few reasons why the sunny season provides the perfect opportunity to start treatment.


Can Chewing Gum Make TMJ Disorder Worse?

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 10:40 pm
woman chewing gum

Have you ever developed a headache after a few hours of chewing gum? Just an unfortunate coincidence or could the two be linked? Research suggests there may be a link between TMJ disorder and regular gum chewing. So, whether you enjoy gum to freshen your breath, stave off hunger, or reduce stress, your dentist in Pittsburgh discusses how it could potentially contribute to the development of TMJ disorder.


5 Tips to Avoid Dental Emergencies on Summer Vacation

May 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 7:32 pm
Man wondering how to prevent dental emergencies in Pittsburgh

The summer is finally here! Do you plan to head to the beach or travel to other new and fun places to celebrate the warmer weather? If so, you’ll need to take some precautions to ensure you have a good time and avoid problems like dental emergencies. After all, the last thing you want to deal with is a toothache, damaged tooth, or other oral issue when you should be enjoying your well-deserved time off. Keep reading to learn 5 tips to prevent dental emergencies in Pittsburgh from a dentist who’s treated plenty of them already!


See Your Dentist Before Summer Vacation!

April 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 9:45 pm
Woman smiling on beach

Summer vacation will be here in the blink of an eye. Because of your excitement to plan your trip, do some outside activities, or just get some well-deserved rest, it may not be at the top of your list to make it to the dental office. However, there are several reasons why you may want to do so before your summer takes off. Continue reading to learn why now is the perfect time to head to the dentist for your next visit.


Why Dental Implants Offer a Better Long-Term Investment

March 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 5:21 pm
Male dentist showing his female patient a dental implant in clinic

In life, there is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution that truly “fits all.” It’s definitely not the case in dentistry, when each patient has unique needs and preferences that will help to determine which treatment method is right for them. 

If you are in need of tooth replacement, you probably already know that there are several options available to you, like dental implants or a crown and bridge. There are benefits to each depending on your budget and timeline – but you really can’t go wrong with dental implants. While they may be pricier upfront than other options, the true dental implant cost usually ends up being less over time. Keep reading to find out why. 


Why Should You Turn to a Dentist for TMJ Treatment?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 12:46 pm
Portrait of mature man with jaw pain at home

If you had muscle pain or a pinched nerve, who would you turn to? Most people would likely schedule a visit to their doctor’s office. However, if you are suffering from neck or shoulder pain or persistent headaches, you may actually want to call your dentist instead. Chances are, your discomfort may be connected to your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Keep reading to discover why you should turn to a dentist for TMJ pain in Pittsburgh.  


Why It Matters for You to Schedule a Dental Checkup Early in the Year

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 1:27 am
Patient at dental checkup

As 2022 looms on the horizon, you are probably thinking more often about what the next year has in store for you. New Year’s resolutions can be great for self-improvement, but don’t get so bogged down thinking about them that you forget to schedule a dental checkup.

On that note, your dentist in Pittsburgh wants to discuss some reasons why getting that cleaning and exam done early in the year can pay dividends.


Do You Have Dental Implants? Here Are 5 Bad Habits to Avoid

December 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 7:26 pm
Dentist pointing to model of dental implant

Dental implants are a state-of-the-art approach to tooth loss. Not only are they extremely versatile and incredibly lifelike, but they are built to last for decades. In fact, many patients enjoy their new and improved smile and bite for 20+ years! The best way to prolong their lifespan is to avoid bad habits that can cause them to “fail.” Keep reading to learn five of the most common ones.


What Holiday Foods Could Hurt My Teeth?

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — joyceandjohn @ 6:31 pm
girl with candy canes

The holidays are a wonderful opportunity to catch up with family members and make memories, but the delicious food is also a major factor in the fun toward the end of the year. Some foods can make like tough on your teeth, and it’s important to be aware of them so you can act accordingly. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Pittsburgh about some tasty holiday foods that require caution and pack your toothbrush for safety.

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