Do you prefer to sleep in a warm and cozy environment, or do you like your bedroom to be on the cooler side? Such matters might seem like nothing more than personal preference. But did you know that temperature could have an effect on your sleep apnea? This blog post discusses how that is the case. It also provides tips to help you create an environment that supports refreshing, rejuvenating sleep.
Temperature and Sleep Quality
If you have ever slept in a hot room without air conditioning, you probably remember a pretty miserable experience. You may have found it difficult to drift off to sleep, and staying asleep may also have been a challenge. You probably woke up feeling exhausted the next day.
Such experiences are common because research has found that humans tend to enjoy the highest quality sleep when the ambient temperature is 60 – 67 degrees Fahrenheit. For some people, that might seem a tad on the cool side, but it makes a lot of sense when you consider an important aspect of how the human body functions. When you drift off to sleep, your body temperature drops slightly. If the environment around you is too warm, it drains more of your energy to reach your ideal sleeping temperature.
People with sleep apnea should be particularly concerned with how temperature could affect them. Many have found that when their bedroom is hot, their sleep apnea becomes worse.
How to Keep Yourself Cool and Comfy at Night
Of course, adjusting your thermostat is one thing you can do to promote better sleep. Here are some additional tips that might help:
- Invest in breathable bedding. Silk, linen, and cotton are breathable materials that help with temperature regulation. A cooling mattress might also help you to avoid becoming too hot.
- Purchase new window coverings. Some curtains and drapes are quite effective at reducing energy transfer through windows. This can help to maintain a consistent temperature in your bedroom.
- Use fans. If you do not have air conditioning, a fan can do a lot to prevent you from getting too hot. You might place a bowl of ice in front of it for extra cooling.
- Keep using your sleep apnea treatment. A clean and cool bedroom can supplement your professional treatment but not serve as a substitute for it. Be sure to use your custom oral appliance or CPAP machine every night.
Is the temperature in your bedroom supporting high-quality sleep? Use the tips in this article to create an environment that helps you get refreshing shuteye night after night.
Meet the Practice
Drs. John and Joyce Warwick are the experienced, compassionate dentists at Warwick Dentistry. They have already helped countless patients to find relief from sleep apnea via oral appliance therapy. If you have been struggling to feel well-rested lately, they would be happy to offer personalized advice on your next steps. To learn more about how they and our team may be able to serve you, contact our office at 412-391-1130.